Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just a Bit Loon-y

OH BOY guess what!!!
Today I saw my first Common Loon, (Whooooo Hooo!) thanks to my bloggie buddy, Dave...whom I met the other week! Dave emailed me a message saying some loons were spotted at Maple Lake in Willow Springs, IL. I read my emails on my lunch break at work and knew what I had to do...

After work, I jumped in my car, blasted my classical music and a dramatic fashion....through snow, sleet, rain, and then sleet again to Maple Lake (well, not really raced, but I was excited). The weather condition was nasty, but that didn't stop this (never seen a loon) gal!
Here is what awaited me:

WHAT'S THAT!?! What is that? Let's zoom in.....

Why, it's my first loon! Not only was I blessed by the beautiful sight of 6 loons, but I actually heard one call! I heard it!!! Now, all you nature lovers out there that had the benefit of hearing a loon call, knows exactly why I'm so excited! That beautiful sound!
I watched them while standing in the sleet for several minutes with only a spring jacket on because darn it, yesterday was so warm!
The loons were looking for food by diving underwater. When they dive underwater, you expect them to pop back up in the same spot, but they don't! They swim as they dive, for a very long time and pop up somewhere else! It was very fascinating to follow them and guess where they were going to appear.

Here are some pictures of the area. This is a great spot to fish. The Cook County Forest Preserve District did a great job building this area up and creating an area where fisher people can sit, for it use to be just a shallow shore of marshy reeds.

Well, I have to say the loons picked a great spot to rest during migration. The loons do not live around here, but they are migrating to Canada to spend the summer. I really don't know how long we are going to have this terrific opportunity to see them.
I am just so fortunate to have had the chance.
Thanks Dave!