First Post My Favorite Place
For my very first posting, I'm going to talk about my very most favorite place, the Little Red Schoolhouse in Willow Springs, IL. This picture is a pastel painting I did while sitting outside, en plein air. I have been going here ever since I was a small fry. This little gem of a place is an old schoolhouse converted into a nature center. The house has live and previously living stuffed wildlife. Some of which are: turtles (live), frogs (live), snakes (live), crow (live), and fawn (stuffed), etc. You can also find much information about whats going on in the wilderness at that particular time in the season. The Little Red Schoolhouse also host many classes for young and old alike. Next, we'll move outside. The grounds hold 3 main trails, the longest being about 1.25 miles long. I love, love, love to go on days when slightly raining when NOBODY is there. Just me and the animals. I've encountered deer, finks, several species of birds, fish, snakes and so on. Right in back of the house are three cages, two house owls and one houses a red tail hawk. Next to the cages is a large fence-in garden with arbors and a bench and really neat things growing which I cannot nearly do as well in my own garden. The best part about the Little Red Schoolhouse is that it is FREE. What do we like better than free? They are open 7 days a week 8-4:30pm but the schoolhouse is closed in Fridays. Maybe you would like to pay a free visit?