Saturday, April 26, 2008

Red Wings Here Juncos Gone

Good News and Bad News.
Bad first (get it over with): My Juncos are all gone. The majority left a few weeks ago, but two mates stayed longer...I don't know why they didn't leave with the rest...but now they too are gone. No biggie, because...
The good news: The Red Winged Blackbirds have arrived!

Isn't he handsome?!? I have counted two males and two females. The females look nothing like the handsome males, they look like huge sparrows only with more contrasting white and brown marks. That's OK, I believe all males must compete for the female's acceptance. Isn't our society ass backwards, with females looking promiscuous for the male acceptance? Another lesson we should learn from nature, (sorry males) anyway...

Here is one of the males taking a bite to eat. The red winged blackbird usually hangs out near marshes and lakes but I learned that they can visit feeders during the spring for seed and then during the summer they will move to find insects. I am a very fortunate blackbird hostess.
Did I mention their "trillllllll" call? Oh, if you only can hear it! Such a back of your neck hair raising experience! I can't get enough.